Exhibit spaces are first come, first served.  

BOOTH SPACE.  Exhibit spaces include a 8-foot table, black skirt, two chairs and electricity.

BOOTH CREDENTIALS.  Upon arrival, your credentials, badges and materials will be located at your exhibit space.  NCMBC staff will be available to assist with unloading and booth location.  There is no requirement to check-in at the registration table unless you have name changes, questions, etc.


  • May 20 at 1:00 - 5:00 pm 
  • OR you may set-up your exhibit space on May 21 at 7:00 am. 
  • Note: the FEDTEX reception on May 20th from 5:00 - 7:30 pm will be held in the exhibit hall.  For maximum exposure, please try to set up on May 14th and attend the social.

DRESS ATTIRE:  Business casual.

SHIPPING INFORMATION. The McKimmon Conference Center accept packages no earlier than 3 business days prior to your event.  Name, date of event and event coordinator (Carrie Bjorkquist) must be listed on the mailing label.  For location of items shipped to McKimmon Conference and Training Center contact Print & Mail Services at 919-515-3692.

UPS and FedEx shipping address:
McKimmon Conference and Training Center
1101 Gorman Street
Raleigh, NC 27606

US Postal Service shipping address:
McKimmon Conference and Training Center
Campus Box #7401
Raleigh, NC 27695

Please email Courtney Smedick (courtney@ncmbc.us) including which carrier you used, when to expect the package(s) to arrive and how many mailed items.  Different carriers deliver to different locations at the venue.

To ship return items coordinate directly with your carrier for a pickup, the venue does not coordinate outbound items.


Please note:  No signs, merchandise or any other items are to be pinned, stapled or otherwise
attached to any property without  pre-approval.  Exhibitors shall be responsible for any damage or loss of materials placed on the show floor. Exhibit spaces will not be pipe and draped.  All items must be freestanding.

53 days
left to
Federal and Defense Textile and Tactical Equipment (FEDTEX) Summit